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How we start (Over 30Years)

The Sign Association of Hong Kong was founded in 1992 by 18 companies who saw the value in collaboration within the industry. These companies became the Foundation Members and generously donated to the establishment of the association. The official announcement was made on May 22, 1992, and the Inauguration Ceremony was held on September 25, 1992. The Sign Association of Hong Kong continues to thrive and support the industry to this day.

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Our Vision

The Sign Association of Hong Kong responds to the government's upcoming waste charging policy by introducing professional advertising waste management services. This initiative aims to assist the industry in meeting new regulations while also enhancing environmental awareness and achieving sustainable development. The Association has established a comprehensive waste processing system and a certification system that validates the effectiveness of waste treatment and carbon reduction, aiding advertising companies in demonstrating their environmental achievements in ESG reports. These measures reflect the Association's commitment to environmental protection and its proactive role in leading the industry towards green development. Additionally, the Association offers professional consulting and hosts environmental workshops to foster knowledge sharing and practical application within the industry, collectively addressing global environmental challenges and propelling the entire advertising sector towards an eco-friendly and sustainable future.


Correspondance Address:

​Unit 212, 2/F,Kowloon Centre, No.33 Ashley Road, TST, Kowloon.

Kelvin Hung , CEP®Certified ESG Planner

Call: 852 90164668

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